Product Features

Exchange users may send or forward messages to "text messaging recipients." These recipients appear on global or personal address lists just as would any other type of recipient.

Properties dialog

Messages can be sent individually or batched to to multiple devices or pre-defined groups of devices. The gateway also handles a mix of numeric and alphanumeric devices in the same group, sending just the numeric portions of a message to the numeric devices and the full message text to alphanumeric devices.

Email Forwarding

Exchange users can monitor their Exchange Inbox for new messages. Email messages can selectively be forwarded to their pager or cell phone based on mail filters defined using either the "Inbox Rules" or "Out-of-Office Assistant" in Microsoft Outlook. These filters allow the user to select which of their messages should be sent to their pager or cell phone by defining parameters such as keywords to search for in the From, To, Subject, and Body fields of a message.

Error Handling

PageMaster/ex 2007 will report back to the originator of the message any problems encountered while trying to deliver a text message.

For text messages sent with a receipt requested, PageMaster/ex will send a reply once the message has been successfully sent to the destination device(s).

Device Types

PageMaster/ex 2007 supports both numeric and alphanumeric pagers and cellular phones... even simultaneously. For example, suppose a user were to send the message "Please call the Farmington supervisor at 555-1212." to a group of pagers that included a mix of numeric and alphanumeric pagers. The full text of the message would be delivered to the alphanumeric pagers, and the message "555-1212" would be sent to the numeric pagers.

Message Length

PageMaster/ex 2007 does not impose a limit on the length of text messages that may be sent. PageMaster/ex 2007 will automatically split lengthy messages and send them in smaller individual messages that the service provider will permit.

Batch Processing

PageMaster/ex 2007 is designed to handle the text messaging needs of even the largest enterprise. Text messages will be batch processed when possible. If 20 text message requests are received and 15 of them are for alpha pagers from the same service provider, all 15 message can be sent in a single connection. The remaining 5 would be sent individually.

Text Messaging Connector Properties dialog


All administration of text messaging devices, and configuration of the gateway, is accomplished using the Microsoft Management Console. There is no need to execute and learn and additional software. Installation is quick and simple.

Modem Requirements

PageMaster/ex 2007 requires at least one Hayes-compatible 2400 baud or faster modem for operation with TAP and DTMF protocols. Multiple modems are supported for load balancing and fault-tolerance.

Other PageMaster Products

PageMaster/ex 2007 can also process all of the text messaging required by other PageMaster products installed on the network. In this way, PageMaster/ex 2007 can act as a text messaging server.

Latest News

PageMaster/ex 2019 v1 now supporting Exchange 2019 has been released and is available for download. Please contact sales for further information or to obtain an evaluation.