Version Changes

PageMaster/ex 2010 Version 2:

PageMaster/ex 2010 Version 2 adds the following new features:

All New Administrative Tools
The PageMaster Unified Device Administrator (UDA) and Unified Server Administrator (USA) have been totally rewritten from the ground up, providing more features and better performance. In addition, these new tools do not require elevation of user privileges as did the prior releases.

Powershell Commands
PageMaster/ex now includes a management shell for running powershell commands to administer devices. Devices may be created, imported, and exported using this new feature.

Support for Sending Apple Push Notifications (APN)
PageMaster/ex now supports the ability to send push notifications to Apple devices. This includes iPhone, iPad, and iPod. PageMaster/ex will connect directly to apples push notification servers, and will automatically monitor the feedback gateway for reports of inactive devices.

Support for GSM Modems
PageMaster/ex now supports the ability to send text message through a GSM modem. Multiple GSM modems are supported in cases where support must be provided for more than one carrier. With a connected GSM modem, PageMaster deposits text messages directly onto the GSM network. Full monitoring of signal strength and error reporting is provided.

Upgraded COM Interface
This new release adds two new COM interface functions to the IMessaging Interface; SendAPN and SendGSM. These new functions permit sending Apple push notifications via the APN protocol, and text messages using the GSM protocol.

Latest News

PageMaster/ex 2019 v1 now supporting Exchange 2019 has been released and is available for download. Please contact sales for further information or to obtain an evaluation.